Asset Protection for Real Estate Investors

Asset protection for real estate investors

Investing in real estate is a good way to diversify your portfolio and gain reoccurring investment income, but as any investment goes this does not come without its risks. As the landowner of an investment property, you may run the risk of a hefty lawsuit or losses by damaged property if you are not properly…

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How to avoid a Will or Trust contest

Will or Trust contest

We all see in the news that different celebrity families have filed in court to contest a celebrity’s estate. Most of the time, the fight is over money. Sometimes, as with Robin Williams, it is partly a fight over stuff—memorabilia associated with his celebrity for example. Now I can’t speak for celebrities, but I can…

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The Importance of Putting Together an Estate Plan

putting together estate planning documents

What Every Estate Planning Attorney Wants You to Know about Death and Dying Let’s start with the bottom line: humans have a 100% guaranteed expiration date. I tell people I can 100% guarantee that some or all of the estate planning documents I put together will be used. Think of all the things you buy…

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Dying Without Papers

Dying Without Papers A.K.A. Dying Intestate

Dying Without Papers A.K.A. Dying Intestate Dying intestate is also known as dying without a Will or a Revocable Living Trust. Let’s use Cody as an example. Cody dies. His family scrambles to find his Will or a Revocable Living Trust. They search through his files, his boxes, his closets, his shed, his computer, his fireproof…

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What is Probate and How You Can Avoid It?

What is Probate and How You Can Avoid It

There are actually several ways to avoid probate. But before we discuss those, let’s define probate. If you file a probate, you are asking a court to appoint someone to take care of a dead person’s assets. That person is called an executor. In Arizona, we call that person a Personal Representative. Most probates in…

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Living Wills: When Should You Pull the Plug?


Living Wills, also known as Advance Medical Directives, say that if you are toast, pull the plug. I find the whole topic of whether we have a right to dictate our deaths to be really fascinating. I know, I should think about more upbeat things, and I do. But this just really grabs my interest.…

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Revocable Living Trusts and Your Problem Child

Maximizing a Revocable Living Trust for Your Problem Child

Maximizing a Revocable Living Trust for Your Problem Child How do I handle my child who is a mess? This is a common question for parents who have an adult child with a mental illness or an addiction. One of the most heartbreaking scenarios in my office is when a couple come in and have to…

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